
@magnakaiser: You're probably right. But I still don't want to risk it. The only reason I picked it up today was because I was out this morning, and I have to work Monday and Tuesday. I'd rather just be able to fire it up Monday at midnight instead of making an extra trip out.

Hey, cut the guy some slack. You only have so much room on that paper to make your point. A letter had to be sacrificed. Smug-ass H. Sideways I lookin' muh' fuckah'. #fans

@Super King: But, it's the one song that they can do in every language, of every country they go to. #fans

Just picked up a copy from a Gamestop in Rochester, NY. I called ahead and asked if they were selling it and the employee said they "absolutely" were selling it.

@ReconToaster misses garnett : (: You have to remember, though: Increasing the number of sales of a game also increases the costs to the company. More units moved=more packaging/shipping costs, which ultimately decreases the companies margins.

Does anyone else hate Robert Trujillo's linebacker bass playing stance as much as me? #newenglandpatriots

So, do I start Philly's D against the Bingo Callers this weekend, or the Jets D against the Pigeons? #mutton

To the folks asking about the pay:

@Benguin: It's better than previous years, when it aired sometime in November. #masterchief

@Kid Canada: You should probably just go to the bar on Sundays. Plus, then you have the added benefit of high-fiving strangers. #jamboroo

And lo! Gawker sites gave alerts to its users. And it was good. #comments


@SlappyFrog: Don't worry, after the Yanks win the Series I'm sure their fans will take it back.

Right. Because if the Vikes lost in OT after being up 10, you wouldn't be seeing the exact same thing from Minnesota sports fans. Because only Boston sports fans are douchebags.

@Catenaccio: Hey, it takes time to find Royals fans.

@zanzibarlegend: "Services for which he had paid" is referring to being deprived access to prepaid PSN currency.