
government enacting laws to protect celebs

@Proximity: No, I'm pretty sure it's that they want to charge you $130 to plug in and turn your console on.

Jesus. How much does it cost if you don't buy a PS3 from Best Buy?

@iamspoo: Maybe you just sucked ass in '86?

#19 is my favorite. Where are they now? Fucking dead.

@Beer-Fart: Maybe they were fooled by the Lions new, fiercer logo.

@Beer-Fart: Blacked out? You can always watch it online after midnight...after you've seen the score and all of the highlights...but not during Monday Night Football...

@Kyattsuai: 31, including Tribute, by my count.

@HernandezStache: The only fans the Dolphins have are Western New Yorkers who hate the Bills.

@otis123: Well, it's been 2 months and the comment system still sucks...

@NegativeGhostrider: Dude, if you're going to drop a 30 Rock quote, you at least gotta get it right. I want to go TO there

It would be hard to feel bad for this kid if that thing came crashing down in the middle of the night.

@Joe Lengerich: You've got to be fucking kidding me, right?

@origamikid: Damn. Wouldn't it be great if they let us 'rip' the maps from CoD4 to use in MW2? A la songs from RB to RB2.

Not much info on multiplayer then? I'd love to hear what they're doing with kill streak rewards and new/returning perks.

@Trey: All the way to Toronto! ;)

Tell where your loyalties lie!

@hfabulous: Wow, dude. We get it. Your wife likes video games. Give it a rest.