
@stalin23: Not a great football player. Not even close.

@TRT-X: Yes, thank you. I am aware.

So the Evanescence is for people who are more serious about their music? Interesting.

I was really hoping for Hulu on 360. I remain optomistic.

They seem to be getting lazy with XBLA releases. Isn't this just one of those cheesy flash games that you play for free online for 5 minutes while you're at work?

@ToastyUterus: The caps correspond to the speed you get. Lite would be the lowest tier speed, standard would be the middle tiers, and turbo would be the top tiers.

@GrantBourque: Gee, really? Thanks for the info! Because, you know, it's not like TWC is only rolling this out in cities where there are no other viable broadband internet providers.

@wes mantooth: The ball went out of play so Cameron is awarded second base.

@Jordan Gardiner: Speaking of April Fools, I always thought it would be funny if The Onion did actual news on April Fools Day.

@ImSoMeh: From the sounds of the story, they had enough trouble locating one arcade stick, let alone getting their hands on two of them. Plus, this way homeboy always has an advantage over his buddies when they come to play and get stuck with the controller.

There are few things on planet Earth that can match the power of Dude Love. And these dudes have got it in spades.

@Ricardo Judice: Dude. Seriously? You need to stop spamming your website all over this blog. The last three comment threads I've read have been littered with your dumb-ass link.

@Vrank92: @Xucuroz: Sweet. Thanks guys. Maybe I'll give her another go tonight.

I gave up on WaW a month or so ago. Went back to CoD4. Are people still glitching under 50% of the maps or did they fix that? I'll go back if I can get into some fair matches.

Will there be any extra content than what was on XBLA? If not, why the price hike?

I keep expecting zombie killing games to get old but it just doesn't happen. Here's to a never ending love affair with the joyful slaughter of the undead.

@1st2nd3rd4th: I don't think those were the names for the Wii version. They were possible titles for the 360 version before they settled on Dead Rising.

@PatMan33: I don't know about trounce. Would've been a good game though. Especially if their defense played Pittsburgh like they did NY.

Well, I think you just about need a Masters Degree to play Madden successfully on anything past Pro these days, don't you?