
That guys hands aren't nearly crippled enough to be on par with Django.

@Archaotic: Wait. By roommate, do you mean son? If not, why are you buying your roommates video games for him?

@ThatMiamiDude: The fact that you know that makes me this close to revoking your Dude status.

Imagine what multiplayer would be like.

@AgentOhm: Hey, dipshit, if you weren't so keen on spellchecking my post, maybe you could've seen that I never said anything about military action. Next time, read the words that are in front of you, instead of looking for minor spelling errors like a slutty douchebag.

@SeraphX2: I don't 'back murder', as you so eloquontly put it. I support a woman's right to make choices regarding her own body. John McCain, on the other hand, backs murder.

@Comatose Turtle: Don't forget this one. I'm still voting for Obama though. Even though it may cost me my jugular.

@ShaggE: Don't forget the abortion thing.

Geez! Looks like someone should take a break from cellphone games and check their e-mail!

This kind of stuff is awesome. I really wish I had the patience/talent to do things like this. Well done.

Sweet. So one thing that I want, packaged with three things I don't need. Whattadeal.

Great! I'm going to go and download it to my Mac right n...Oh.

@rbf1138: When did you sign up? I'm pretty sure all of the 360 tokens that were to be given out, have been...from everywhere. I think the only way you can get in on the 360 one now is if you have a friend with an unused code.

I have a PC beta code that I don't need if anyone wants one. Just don't try to sell it after I give it to you...

@Quicksilver4648: Going back and reading it again, it may have been a bit confusing. I should have wrote This single game mode has made me re-think my decision to not buy this game.

This single game mode has made me re-think my decision not to buy this game.