
@Modus_Operandi: Doesn't seem like that's going to be the case, with the authentication code and all.

Authentication code, huh? So much for getting a few friends to chip in and all export the tracks. Eh, fuck it dude, I'm not a big fan of live recordings anyway.

@Struct09: I wish they were the studio tracks, though. I'm not a big fan of live recordings...Except Official Live: 101 Proof by Pantera.

Seems like the tracks will be exportable, going by what the Wal-Mart site says. So get together with a few friends, each throw 10 bucks at it, and BOOM! 18 new tracks for everyone.

Sweet. I've got a $25 Amazon gift certificate coming my way. I'm about to throw down for some cheap points.

This game is like when you someone tries to explain a comedians bit to his friends after seeing it on TV. The point comes across, but it's terribly un-funny and you end up feeling a bit bad for the guy telling it.

Coming soon to XBLM: Rock Band 2 Jukebox mode! Yours for only 800 MSP!

Hopefully Harmonix doesn't release this as a stand-alone disc. A giant DLC package would be nice though. Also, I can't imagine they would go the pre-determined character route, either. RB is about making your own, and it should stay that way.

That's great. Except for the fact that you have to walk in to a Hot Topic to buy one.

I give Activision credit for scooping up this exclusive, but releasing a brand new album on a music game doesn't seem to be as smart as releasing a classic album. When I play these games, especially with friends, especially when there are vocals involved, and especially when there is beer involved. I'd much rather

@Pancho_Villasan: Yeah, but maybe she's still a good lay. That seems to be the case here.

@0bsessions: I've just heard parts, but a friend of mine has heard the album in its entirety, and yeah, it seems as though its going to be a pretty damn good album. I'm with you though, I'm committing my MS points to Rock Band and it's going to take Activision more than one killer album to get me back. Especially with

@Crumpilstilskin: I support your platform of zombie rock corpses and killing.

@Hengst2404: I would probably consider Billy the lead. James was basically a live guitar player who was really only there because Corgan could only play one guitar and had to sing. Everybody knows the Pumpkins were essentially Corgan and Chamberlain. The other two are merely hired guns.

@The Magnificen7: That's what good rock music is supposed to make you want to do. Not cry like a bitch like what's passing for rock these days. Kids.

@Dalren: Not to be cocky or anything, but that didn't look all that difficult.