
@gutron: Bitch, please. Mastodon rules your fucking face.

Seems to me that, if developers were to have to make different versions of a game (online only, campaign only), it would drive the consumer price up for all of them (games are overpriced as it is). Having one iteration of a game, and then optional add-ons, is the way to go.

Duh, someone else is playing MGS4. That dude is playing the 360 on the TV behind the camera.

@davahsa: I've been to PNC a couple of times, and those Perogie races are nothing to scoff at. To be fair, ESPN does have a section on their website for MLG. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that spelling should be covered and MLG should not. I'm saying that neither of them belong on ESPN, but when you have

I guess that's why it's the most popular sport in the world. Hot soccer moms.

@davahsa: You blast them for covering spelling championships then say to cover MLG "or just fucking die allready [sic]"? Please, man. Gaming is no more a sport than spelling is.

@slyzxx786: Any game period is a waste of time unless they take the time to develop it properly.

@nanikore: You and me both. I actually have periodic love affairs with my PSP. I'll be addicted to it for a month or two, then let it sit to the point that the next time I turn it on, I have to set the date and time. Cycle repeat.

@trebors: You dweeb. Next time you try out the clever little "first" bit, try to make sure you're actually first.

@mirage: I'm right there with you, except for the collecting dust part. I've been hooked on Patapon.

@summerdrone: Third party devs are handcuffed if they have to develop multi-platform, but it's difficult to argue that game x would have been better had it been an exclusive if there are no facts to support it.

@karateka: Well why don't you cry about it then? This is a FREE feature offered by Netflix/MS. You neither have to pay for it OR use it if you don't like the video quality. So what if it's below DVD quality? I'd much rather watch low res video on my TV than on my 12 inch laptop screen. Also, the video quality isn't

@Ethereal006: Hate to break it to ya dude. But NFG is most definatly NOT punk. MXPX is very borderline.

Dude. DUUUUUUUUUDE!!! I cannot fucking WAIT for this game. Eff some GH:WT. RB is the TITS!

@Thorax: Seriously. I guarantee you every heterosexual guy here, given the opportunity if not for girlfriends, wives, etc., would nail that chick in a heartbeat.

I wish the good folks over at Infinity Ward would release some freebies for COD4. The damn game's been at the top of XBL for how long now? Double XP weekend's just aren't cutting it for me.

How strange. A couple of days ago, I was talking with a buddy of mine about Rick Moranis. We were talking about how he's not acting anymore because he was probably living fat from all the money from the 'Honey' movies.

I wonder if they'll include a feature where he stops the song and berates you when you make a mistake.

I like what I've seen so far, although the whole flamethrower thing seems like more of a selling point to me than an actual logical gameplay addition. Duuuuuude! This game's gotta FLAMETHROWER! AWESOME!!!