
Some of you guys may not realize it, but I don't think you're in the target audience for this game. Take into account that not every game detailed on this blog is developed for the people reading about it, but maybe for your children, or a young niece or nephew. This is a game that I'm not interested in, but I will

@DigiMish: I agree. People who don't like a specific band on the other games playlist might still buy the game, based on the rest of the list. But this seems to be targeting too small of an audience to be really successful. Gamers and rock music fans and Aerosmith fans.

@AvidAbey: Then, a comment from that commented comment will be the next comment of the week...Bedlam ensues.

I'm not sure why it would be a big deal if the downloads weren't compatible with World Tour. I mean, if you wanted to play those songs, couldn't you just put in your copy of GHIII? A minor inconvenience yes, but not really something to get all worked up over if you ask me.

Come on, man. I had a rough night and I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man!


I didn't think this was as funny as some of The Onion's other stuff. Decent, not great. You want a great Onion piece, search for "five blades"

You couldn't pay me to download a Disturbed song. Unless it was the Richard Cheese version of "The Sickness" from Dawn of the Dead.

E. Honda's birthday is S35.11.3. I have no idea what that means.