Polly Jenna Stone

Anyone else disappointed that the clip ended without being shown the extraction? No? I'll be over here at the creepy table.

Leslie Knope?

Yes, rubbing alcohol, and there's an OTC product called "Swimmers Ear," but I think it's just alcohol. You can take Sudafed, a decongestant, which helps. (The original kind behind the pharmacy counter.)

I made it through my first week as a non-driver. I want to claw my eyes out.

I'm introverted and a bit awkward around people I don't know. However, a co-worker asked me to join her kickball team, and it was EXCELLENT. By the end of our first practice, I had a bunch of friends and I met my boyfriend through one of them. My city also has adult volleyball, dodgeball, and football leagues. (I

It's very difficult, but very rewarding. I did have to step away for a period of time because so much shit in my life imploded at once, and I needed to give other things all of my attention.

I'm chilling with my pretty girl right now. This picture isn't from today; it's a few weekends ago. She hurt her shoulder a bit wrestling with my roommate's dog who is twice her size. Heating pad worked well!

Donnie was the "bad boy" of NKOTB.

I don't have much besides a "that's super shitty" for you. It's not a fun feeling at all :(

I meditate. And I also love taking baths with lavender bath products, or a tea infuser filled with lavender. (It's the size of a Christmas ornament. I got it at World Market.) Sorry you've been sick...but glad you feel better.

I've been a volunteer in the SA community for a long time. I know its heartbreak. My self-care tips are similar to the others, and add lavender. A relaxing soak, teen movies, a cup of herbal tea (and yeah, wine), and some meditation. Oh, and fresh, clean sheets always make me feel more relaxed.

Very sorry to hear that. I'm sure it's very difficult to see.

You know there are probably sick hackers who are into that :/

My mother has always been paranoid about computers with webcams. She works for a school district, and the police were talking about this...oh, probably a decade ago? Before they were built in everywhere. I put painter's tape over my lens to humor her. Dammit, why'd she have to be right?

I wouldn't necessarily say that the first one was funnier. For me, the bits where I cracked up in the first one were bits that caught me off guard. The second one, I expected the tone of the first, and I feel they delivered. I think Kick Ass and Kick Ass 2 both have tick marks in each of their columns. This one

I saw this last night with some friends, and I really enjoyed myself. It was well-written and had all the action I look for in a summer action flick. I laughed more in this one than I did in the first one, and I really enjoyed the first one as well. I liked the ending of the movie, too.

I'm a newish member to the IUD club, and I am not used to my hormones cycling! It took a bit to figure out that I was PMSing without the M. But I'll get spotting pretty randomly, which is shitty. I recommend carrying a tampon or two because that's never a fun surprise at work. Or anywhere, I guess!

Ha, I worked with a woman about a decade ago who said she took the pill since she was "Fertile Myrtle," and if she so much looked at a man, she'd get pregnant. (And how fucked up is this? She was in her early-mid thirties, married, and four kids, and they wouldn't tie her tubes because she was "too young.")

The fainting may have come from the disturbance to your vagus nerve, which controls a shitload of autonomic processes, and it runs through the cervix.

Oh my pearls. I had never heard of White Whine before, and I thank you for introducing me.