
One of the big disappointments in the US system, for me, is this unrelenting need to find the next big hero who is going to fix everything. The It Girl or Boy of the moment who says all the right things and there’s a collective swoon - and the same is true of the Villain of the Moment. To watch it occur, over and over

 It seems very unusual that a woman wouldn’t have any friends from before she was in her late 20s, at her wedding.

Emma Watson tried this same defense too when Beauty and the Beast came out. “But this version is totally not shitty to women because this time Belle stands up to the Beast!”

Isn't Kourtney Kardashian too "ethnic" for John Mayer's David Duke dick? 

What would be great, is if the arresting officers were hit with that “Acting in a manner injurious to a child” charge. 

Except this law was created by India to protect this tribe from extinction. Not for the purpose of keeping outsiders from immigrating based on some silly notion that they’re all rapists. 

Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:

Unpopular opinion: Kardashian haters are to blame for the family’s collective dysmorphia.

I think kids that age can see that something is seen as wrong but not fully understand the depths of why. Many adults dont even understand that. I think the judgement should come when things are actually pointed out to them and how they go from there. I wouldnt hold an adult to what he or she said at 12 years old.

This will read as rhetorical but it’s actually a genuine question...what age do we all agree that a person or kid is old enough to know better? I ask because I feel like as Twitter ages we’re going to see a lot of kids who were saying edgelord or just downright racist and sexist stuff on the internet in middle school

Homemade padsicles are pretty great and easy to make. 

My dad grew up with superstitious neighbors and they were terrified of lechuzas. Witches who turn into owls. They tied this beautiful poor owl to a fence and said “in the morning it’ll turn back into a witch and she’ll die from the wires tied around her!” My dad loves owls (in his tribe they are his animal). He snuck

Me wait ALL YEAR for this moment. ALL YEAR.

Right? No two people have the same experience. My aunt was in labor for like 30 minutes and she said it wasn’t that bad. Then you have people like my boyfriend’s niece who was in something called “back labor” for 6 hours. Holy shit. Back Labor. It sounds terrible.

she did have hyperemesis gravidarum; I have no clue if that correlates to vomiting during labor, but she sure as shit did not have an easy pregnancy.

Unpopular opinion: I loved having school uniforms. My family couldn’t afford to buy us a wardrobe full of new clothes each year, and school uniforms made that economic gap less obvious. Plus, it made getting ready each morning a lot easier—no fussing about what to wear each day. You grabbed your uniform from the

Yeah, I had my baby out in just a few pushes, minor tearing that was sore but didn’t make walking hard after, and I was in my regular clothing within the week. Then I genuinely enjoyed and was deliriously happy during the newborn period. I want to be honest to the range of experiences, but I don’t appreciate attempts

I don’t recognize myself at all in Knightley’s birth experience. I also didn’t look like the cover below three months after giving birth. That’s the september issue of Elle, Knightley’s daughter was born in may. 

They should have taken a page from the Friends cast, who made sure to keep their shit tight. They agreed after the first season to earn the same amount of money so they avoided resentments and never fucked up the brand. I read somewhere a few years ago that over the course of their lives the Friends cast will earn

Man, I don’t get the nursing pump hate. Sure, it’s cow-like if you want to think of it that way.