
TB is garbage, but I do like that god damn turtleneck!!!!

No point suing her now; she can declare bankruptcy as she has no income, and move on. Wait until she gets out of jail and gets a job first and then sue and apply for a wage garnishment. The only way they’d see any money from her now is if she already had significant financial assets to seize.

Helping someone that you were married to, had three kids with isn’t that hard to fathom. Even divorced that person is still a part of your life because you share kids. It’s better for them if he’s healthy. I have a lot of respect for her.

The worst part of this aftermath is that eventually the Tibbetts family will be vilified by the racist right for not playing into their game. I’ve no doubt that the family will be made to suffer twice over.

Are you going to do a story on Tyson body shaming her? Or are we still only attacking women and giving men a little slap on the wrist?

Please understand that all antibiotics (and all medications) have risks and benefits, but don’t imply that “if your doc is handing out cipro for a UTI, at this point they should know better.” You also need to know the local drug resistance profile to know what you should be prescribing. Where I work, E. coli (the

Medical professional here(Nurse): Let me clue you in on a small fact you aren’t likely to see @ the top of of an article when you go on your hours long “omg this shit’s gonna kill me” bender online for every single medicine. They can all do horrible things to you. Will they? Not likely. If 1 out of 100,000 tests

Agreed. She didn’t even sell a swastika. She sold a sunburst pattern that had a dozen jagged lines in it. The reaction was absurd.

Can we stop giving the Nazis credit for symbols they stole?

Thank you for spotlighting one of the heroes and elucidating a clear path of moving forward. This is so helpful. I feel immense gratitude for people working tirelessly for the children involved, and privileged to help them in any way I can.

I have just written a post about this.


We’ve designed a society where we aren’t happy unless we’re aspiring, and that’s stratified into different things to aspire to.

Yeah.. not feeling that octopus thing. I’m gonna go with the highlighter muppet.

Seriously! When I was 15 I thought I deserved out too. Now that I’m in my 30s, I’m endlessly wishing I could just go home and be taken care of.

why don’t they just say GARDENING

As someone who came of age in the early days of the internet when you were advised to never give out your real name to anyone, the real identity aspect of Facebook always sat weird with me. It’s not like I’m ashamed of anything I do online or am a different person online than I am offline, but I don’t really have

Go Rihanna! Break those hearts, it’s good for ‘em.