Sorry Paarthy, I need to make my buddies in the Blades happy, so just... kinda take it okay?
Sorry Paarthy, I need to make my buddies in the Blades happy, so just... kinda take it okay?
We are all Triple H now.
The tradition will never die
It's actually kinda cute if you give it a chance.
Ack... sorry for gif spamming.
Mobile Gaming: Killing You a Little Inside, One App at a Time (tm)
I'm so glad Super Mario World got some love.
Salt fish is the shit. But yeah, I didn't notice how my house smelled as a kid; it was what it was. Then I left for college, came back, and just got WALLOPED by the smell of home. It's like a very endearing form of tear gas. I was practically insufflating Omega-3s.
I would buy the shit out of that.
Imagine if it was a new kind of force feedback.
You know, if "fishy smelling house" were an actual criteria for drug busts, my family and half the Vietnamese population would be in custody right now.
Seriously. I might just stick the stock 500GB into my PS3, though.
Hard Drive Requirements: 8 GB HDD minimum and ~47 GB for total install
I think you need more fucks.
It went from a glut of WW2 games to a glut of Modern Warfare games and now to a glut of Zombie games, with frequent hybrids of all the above.