
Facebook has just announced that it's buying Oculus Rift for $2 billion. Seriously.

I read this sentence and immediately thought "poke."

And so, the devil hath made its move.

I won't BS you and say that the OUYA is an amazing console, but hey, $70 for an XBMC-running, classic game-emulating, Towerfall-playing box isn't bad. OUYA Console Amazon.com: $99.99 Buy now M581 readers bought this

Not an easter egg, but I sure love me some bilingual puns.

They say being marketed at directly by three major companies is the sincerest form of wanting your money. In closing, dammit.

Can't... or WON'T?

America doesn't.

I certainly don't see Aerith's theme as solely about loss, but that aspect of it hit me the hardest. It touches on redemption, remembrance, and love, but undoubtedly bittersweet loss tinges it all. And I'd be remiss not to add that Tifa's song also has notes of loss in it (childhood and innocence passed on and kept

All I really saw as "hrm... that chick's kinda hot."

ROBBIT. God how I miss you.

I've actually had that on my phone ever since OC Remix released that FFVII compilation album. Good choice, sir/madam.

That's amazing. Thank you so much for showing me this. It's even better when I imagine that Seth Rogan is the saxophonist.

Yep, I'm aware of that. You can actually get somewhat an idea of how bad this can be if you play COD at 60+ fps on a big TV with 60 or 70ms of lag. It gets real nauseating, real fast. Imagine that same feeling, except all in your face.

I know exactly which TV you're talking about, and it's a fine piece of equipment. People can say what will about Sony electronics, but their big, fancy TVs are absolutely a dream to game on, and almost no other company can say the same. In fact, if you go to Best Buy, their playable PS4 displays use KDL-47W802A's

Over the past couple of decades, Final Fantasy has done many things very well: stories, characters, art direction, chocobos, all that jazz. But one thing has always made Final Fantasy stand out among its peers: the music.

Now, doesn't that Pikachu cake look delicious? I would eat this golden, crispy Pikachu cake. Yum!

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