Polite Society

I think the biggest hurdle for me, personally, to buy the Wii U, is the fact that I might the Wii on launch day terribly excited about all it promised - A new era of gaming, where we wouldn't just be pushing buttons, where no gameplay mechanics could be created around this exciting new controller, and really at the

I like that voice is built into the controller, and that you've got maps and stuff on it. Though what i'm not looking forward to is everyone in games like that having a voice. It's bad enough when only a few people have it.

nintendo have been doing it for a while too. the gamecube could link up to 4 GBAs to it for some games. I remember buying a whole heap of the adapter cables for playing that final fantasy crystal whatevers game. On reflection, it probably wasn't worth it. Though this has potential. Just like the wiimote had potential.

Well I dig the new design, so i'm okay with it.

me too! let's be friends! Do you like icecream, perchance?

You are either very young or you know a lot more of them than you think.

Paranoid Android isn't much of a guitar song though, really.

It's a bit misleading to say that this is the only game to use a real guitar. More that this is the only game to let you use your own guitar.

Yeah, the delay factor even kills anything decent using a hex pickup for midi on a guitar. My GK-3 is always noticably behind what i play.

pancakes are not a hat.

that pun was a bit of a bomb.

There are reasons enough for piracy. I would imagine that piracy trends towards the young and the disenfranchised. Also, i think people pirate because it means they get to play an anticipated game before release date. Then there is the DRM issue.

Not if you are playing it on console :s

uhh. There is fast travel in NV. I thought the travel distance was fine, I was still running into things all the time, and if you keep an eye on your navigation thingo, it points out all the map items you are close to that you haven't visited.

Is there anything you can really do about email harassment though?

Yeah, I really miss the cool single player adventure mode of SC2.

I drink water and diet soda. I drink diet soda because it has caffeine, and it's got less calories than anything else with caffeine. Losing weight != healthy.

Though borderlands already felt heavily inspired by fallout.

that screech made me expect her eyes to go read and start ripping apart the audience. Now that would be awesome.

I absolutely agree. Unfortunately this thing happens far too often.