Polite Society

I'm sad that he didn't use one of those super slow motion cameras.

I think part of the problem came from the fact that the main fans of the original series who had seen them as kids had grown up. I think had I seen the 4th at the same age I saw Raiders, I would have believed as much in fridges and aliens as I did heart ripping and holy relics.

I think part of the problem came from the fact that the main fans of the original series who had seen them as kids had grown up. I think had I seen the 4th at the same age I saw Raiders, I would have believed as much in fridges and aliens as I did heart ripping and holy relics.

Never found king of the hill funny, but the rest still do it for me. I'm 31. Futurama less than the others though. Though it sounds like you just need to change it up. Get yourself some UK comedy like The Mighty Boosh, IT Crowd, Darkplace, Peep Show, Brass Eye, Black Books, etc.

You've hit the nail on the head. What's really missing from the cintiq is capacitive interaction as well. Also could you imagine capacitive interaction if it also still maintains all the pressure level sensitivity?

That's true, but where do you draw the line? I think as long as something isn't an exact copy of other, ala copywrite rules, i think it should be fair game.

Great tech is innovation is built upon established ideas. Great software is an evolution of ideas and features collected together. You can't build things while ignoring past inventions. Imagine if one company holds all the patents for what we consider a smart phone today. No other company is allowed to make a device

I've always thought having wikipedia on my phone was a bit like having the guide in my pocket.

Excellent... Looking forward to fulfilling all my cyberpunk fantasies before i die.

Admittedly you are right in that it is overused. Like a worn out sex toy.

Those sexy, sexy guinea pigs.

Though surely you don't need to be able to have sex with something to find it sexy. It just means it can be arousing. Music can be sexy, but it doesn't mean i have to be able to put my penis in it. Music can be arousing. Some tech definitely arouses me. Tech can be sexy. Two people kissing can be sexy. A dress can be

I hope someone used the opportunity to walk away from it in slow motion.

I've worn stretch jeans for the last 15 years (though not the same pair) and they so comfortable for me, i can quite happily wear them to bed.

I'd still like it, thanks.

heh. i've got a couple of those so i could use my old guitar hero controllers.

Really? mine is pretty much silent except for disc noise. My previous PS3 Fat was quiet too, definitely quieter than my Wii.

From memory... one for the power button, one for the eject button, also there is one for HD drive access, and one for network connectivity, or something else... also, i suppose if they count, there are the usual two on the ethernet port.

PS3 Bulimic. If you try to give it physical media, it wont keep it in the drive.

it's definitely the first thing i look for in a games console.