Polite Society


I'm not really fussed one way or the other. I'm a Sony fan, and while it's a bad that this has happened, i figure it's just one of those facts of life.

i was just wondering if some of those 'deleted scenes' were the original scenes.

yes because it's cheaper, but no because there are so many. i guess it's about the same? :/

Alternatively you can use a service like entropay which can create virtual credit cards that you can create/load/destroy at your leisure. Of course it means giving your credit card details to entropay.

You are going to sleep till then?

that's a bit of an anti-statement.

I don't see what the problem is. Star Wars did it just fine.

does gps log altitude? i thought it was only a lat/long system.

I expect that also the urge to reproduce offers a certain advantage to sexual animals as they have more aggression. I expect a matter of diversity (or lack thereof) would come in to play within a few generations as well.

I expect that also the urge to reproduce offers a certain advantage to sexual animals as they have more aggression. I expect a matter of diversity (or lack thereof) would come in to play within a few generations as well.

Have there been any verified abuses of PSN credit card details yet?

i would accept syncronised running man.

I'll try not to.

What an odd thing to kid about.

Personally I'm just waiting for unauthorised charges on my account. Getting a new card is just too much of a pain if i can avoid it.

good point. I imagine the move could have been a nice pointer for it.