Polite Society

Yeah, but they usually still get released here after a bit of tweaking. Not sure about mortal kombat, I haven't noticed it in the stores, but sometimes we get games a few months later because of the classication issues. Though I remember back in the day getting games as a teenager I probably shouldn't have been

it's possible, but it doesn't make you do it.

care to share info?

You're right, for some reason in my head i was thinking 2.2 million cards from 17 million accounts. Fact fail.

because you just vomited on them, i assume. :P

One of the many reasons why these movies bother me.

I wish someone would make a new Mace: The Dark Age.

what do you mean less than 10%? I would say it's pretty likely that of all the PSN subscribers there could be this many accounts with credit card numbers.

That picture cracks me up.

If it's a decent android tablet, works with my android phone and has some playstation xmb remote integration, i could be interested. It'd also have to be a reasonable price. Not interested in playing ps1 games on it, though.

Nice. I always meant to get this on the wii. Glad to see the move implemented.

yeah, or it's nice to know that it's those new graphics card drivers, or the outboard audio hardware that's causing the problems. oh well. it'll probably still be in the text log.

We don't miss out on much, it's just that games that should be 18+ come through as 15+, which means it's pretty sweet being a teenage gamer in australia. :P

Sounds excellent. Much better than I was expecting. Considering that when I was watching someone play RDR, it really just seemed like a case of someone playing GTA in the wild west. This seems a bit more like something like Heavy Rain. With the writing and budget that rockstar are capable of, this excites me.

Loved it. Though I was hanging out for a shadow kick.

Yeah, because there is absolutely no way he could have lost that credit card information in any other possible way.

That sounds familiar :)

It had it's good and bad aspects. Still pretty good overall imho. You just have to ignore that you keep going into the same dungeons and caves over and over again.

I doubt Gate Five had any money to pay those people by that point. No financer and all.

I think the point is that they put in all that effort and ended up with nothing except debt. You also underestimate the selling power of licenses within certain demographics.