Polite Society

@HackBerry: This may be true, but surely it's a much more rewarding system of learning than sitting there with sheet music or tabs. Sometimes you will play something there and you think "this doesn't sound anything like it's supposed to" at least the game gives you a backing track to play along with as well as

@hadees: tracking audio from a guitar sucks. even my gk-3 midi pickup which has a pickup under each string individually has quite a lag on it. It'd be mental, plus you'd have to somehow make it possible to calibrate it with allt he different guitars and pickups you could possibly use, as guitar tone, and the loudness

I'm guessing that the rock band 1 drums aren't compatible with the new cymbals? I have the feeling that this is going to get expensive.

@sammanzhi: why aren't you learning when the piano keys light up? you play it a bit and you remember where those keys are then you've learnt the song, yes? It wont teach you to sight read, but that's not the point. However, i am thinking that this will teach people to be able to sight read tabs.

@camtheman499: yes, it has midi out on it. The guitar controllers have midi out as well.

@noobmcnoob: in what way does it not come close to the real thing?

@CCM333: it's just the same as a 6 string, except the strings are doubled up to create a chorus effect. They're fun.

@CCM333: i would have thought any drummer jokes would have fit in fine, there. :P

@tonym94: That's your prerogative, though the harmonix team are pretty much all musicians, and have an excellent track record of making the best music games out there, plus they have an extensive catalogue of music to draw from, and have the backing of a large publisher. Power gig which is a new ip from a new company

Is it just me or are the keys on the keytar larger than normal. or is that guy just a tiny pixie man?

2W of power isn't terribly much. Though i guess the whole thing is totally a step in the right direction.

And Wipeout? Which you show pictures of but don't mention?

@LankySean: i can't even focus on the current screen in a moving vehicle without getting motion sickness. I wouldn't even try with something like this.

Colour me interested. If it has an okay battery life, and isn't too hard to root and put vanilla froyo on it.

@ProperBritish: what is not to love about it? it's a robot, and it cleans.

@ProperBritish: what is not to love about it? it's a robot, and it cleans.

cheezoid hate self.

It's about time.

@LouisJebber: sounds like it is still as hard as before. if that was when using the transfer cable.