Polite Society

@Gileadxv: alot, but they didn't have enough polygons to model his beer gut and his nose at the same time.

@Polite Society: weird. the 1 keeps disappearing.

@Patrick Nelson: * but only if you haven't done anything in your entire life except play fable and 2.

@spannu: You're not fooling anyone.

@Blah8: It worked on me, I actually ordered some from the UK just so I could have it. It was called Easy-Off BAM over here for some reason. Which is still a good name, but it isn't Cillit Bang :P

@konaa: It's totally radtastic.

That's weird considering that in the demo on the PAL PSN you fight in a male host bar.

@Polite Society: speaking of turning things into RPGs. I wonder what would happen if a leveling system was introduced into the gawker commenting code. Where you earn say 1 point for a comment, 5 points for replys to your post, 20 points for being promoted, -100 points for being disemvoweled, etc. Would it help the

Imagine if popcap games started making confectionary. I can imagine them combining chocolate and RPGs together to create some chocolate that lets us level up when we eat it. possibly requires us to destroy the chocolate demon before we can take each bite. There are some chocolates you can't eat till you are a certain

@Manly_McBeeferton: balls drop from the little spout up near the unicorn. it's a bit like pachinko. the balls drop through the level bouncing off things. it's hypnotic and addictive.

@konaa: I hadn't seen that art before. Is it to do with the new one?

Yeah, everyone has an idea of how a game is supposed to play before they get it. Just look at how Brutal Legend was received. Solid game, but people expected something else, so it was not received so well.

@DirtyColossus: cake and rape are like my two favorite things. If only they could be combined into some kind of crape... !!! genius.

@konaa: I was there for you. I was there, man.

@laa97: Ha-ha! Joystick.

@sazzrah: I would bust that shit wide open. I'm not even sure what I mean by that, but I think it's a good thing.