Polite Society

@Ashkihyena: @OkayOctane: there is a massive backlash to it in Australia as well, but it's one of those things that when polled people are asked questions like "Do you want to keep your kids safe when they are on the internet Y/N?" all those that answer yes are in favour of a nation wide internet filter. Politicians

@Slagathorian: except for morning after all you can eat night at jimmy's flaming nachos.

High fives all round!

@sannta: aah. sounds a little like zak and wiki.

Why is it not fun? It sounds no less deep than clicking on a target to attack ala diablo or even dragon age.

Ugh. Why do I imagine them buying harmonix and then shutting them down so they don't interfere with the guitar hero franchise.

I personally prefer to have things in their original language, but I can cope with dubs, if I have to. I prefer mostly to have the choice.

@ReiAyanami4Ever: It's mostly because there are certain styles and ways of speaking which don't really translate well into english speaking, but english dubs generally try to copy the voices of the original cast and just end up sounding rather silly. Also I don't know if it's still a problem today, but back when I

@kilevvri1: Hey. Back off. This man knows what he's talking about. See proof in poster form.

@ill_fated: I did wonder where it went.

@gummick: Yeah, any nudity with girls under a 'b' cup will be considered child porn. It's insane. That means that things like for example any movies with milla jovavich getting undressed (which she does often enough) is child porn. insanity.

One of the more worrying things for those of you who aren't Australian is that if this filter gets off the ground, and somehow they decide that it's "working" based off whatever metric they decide to use, which can be pretty skewed. They may decide to base it off something vague like "20% less pedophiles arrested

@Sekai: Here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up! Go back to bed, America.

@Silentkiller2774: Michael Atkinson isn't behind the firewall though. The Rudd government is just full of fuckwits.

@Mistah-Crow: but it's for the kids! Why wont anyone think of the kids?! wait! stop thinking of the kids, you pervert!

There is so much wrong with the australian internet filter, but I rather suspect that they'll spend all the money on it and actually make all the ISPs use it for about 6 months before they decide it isn't working and revert it all. A brilliant way of spending tax payer dollars.

@nightwheel: If toad eats a growth mushroom, is it kind of like cannibalism?

@Hunter2458: so what you are saying is the poison mushroom is like a diet pill. gotcha.