Polite Society

It's not that bad. Certainly not as classy as the PAL version, but it's not like the other one is all tits, guns and explosions.

@Wolfenstein: yeah, just the occasional fistjob, and *that's it*. And maybe some kissing. Clothing optional.

@yoshi8710: Actually, this might be better at explaining it:

@yoshi8710: The only thing you'll miss out on is some minor self referential content they always have. There is always a character called Cid, who is usually an engineer, or father figure, or both. They pretty much always resuse certain music, like the battle complete fanfare, there is always certain creatures such

Haha. Everything will be sugar and rainbows!!

@Tanneseph: I suspect it's also a companion for the lonely agoraphobic type. Not in the literal sense that they can't leave the house, but in teh sense that going out and meeting people in public places seems impossible for them. Fear of alienation, mockery and abuse keeps them from making connections with other

Is that a can of pepsi on the end of that guy's rifle in the last pic? possibly even diet pepsi. it's the choice of a new generation of fistbumping meatheads.

@aniteshj: jealousy. people love seeing other people getting taken down a peg. It's pathetic, but that's how it is.

Everyone here is complaining about headaches, framerates and gimmicks, but you have to remember this is still in it's infancy, despite not exactly being a new technology. It'll take some time for the right level of maturity to be applied to the tech. Avatar was getting closer to it than the other movies that i've seen

Hmm.. i did mean to get this on wii, but i let it slide... i'm wondering if i should pick it up on ps3. I think i might, if just for the trophys. It's sad that these days I need an external reward system to make me feel like i got something from the experience. *shakes head*

Shame that his sign is pretty much unreadable, even in these photos. I can't imagine being able to work out what they said from a moving train. For all the effort put into the rest of the costume, the actual message seems so half assed.

For everyone looking for the chart

@Gouki4u: Yeah, I was just thinking about those the other day. I'd be all over downloadable versions of those, despite how many times I've completed them both in the arcades and on emulators since.

@josh42042: eeh? It's called strategy. If you didn't notice it was draining health, you wouldn't be getting far in the game anyway.

@Polite Society: oh, and then for some reason the rest of the comments show up. Sorry about all the others who stated teh same thing below.

Also I'm guessing I'm not the only one who gets headaches when watching 3d movies then?

I'm guessing it's 7, because of the lingerie in the background. 8 is also a possibility. Also 12, as it's so dark.

@RockyRan: Damn you GTA! *shakes a fist at the sky*