Polite Society

@Red_Dragon: Just fine, if fine is wasting away your life posting comments on video game blogs. :P

@Manly_McBeeferton: Back in my day is was good wholesome domestic violence, and throwing rocks at foreigners.

@bobtheduck in Korea: You could get a Masters in stabbology. They'll call you Dr. Stabby. That would be awesome.

@ChonieRanchito: The point was that doing those things felt awesome. It never felt like a chore. Not to me anyway.

Is the sequel going to be in Arkham again? or is that just a project name? I'm looking forward to another game in the same 'world' with some of the characters they had to skip in the last game. it'd be hard to match up to mark hamil playing the joker though. Id like to see penguin and catwoman.

@TenaciousAjay: I actually enjoyed playing it through for the second time for this reason, because I already knew what I was looking for, I didn't have to search around with detective mode most of the time, and actually got to enjoy the environments more. I agree, it was possibly the only flaw with the entire game.

@Darkin: It was good when it came out, and I was like, 15. Not so good now.

Holy crap. That looks awesome. For WiiWare too, that is quite great.

@hazelnut: they'll always remember you for your firm thumb.

@EmeraldStorm: the classic controller plugs into the wii remote. i don't know if it supports it, but it would seem like the reason for having the remote support.

Oooh. All Hail Megatron is an awesome series. Interesting that they are starting from #7.

@unruly: @Xelioth: <3 <3 <3

@lineypi: actually, i take that back, let me speak for you. bring back the cold! I don't even really remember being cold last winter.

@lineypi: ugh. speak for yourself, i'm not enjoying the hot weather *at all*. I really need some decent air con at home.

@RicoTheSaboteur: I have a katsu don here that i might be willing to part with depending on the size of said kingdom.

@Mistdyna: Beloved song? You've never worked in retail, obviously.

I just lost my will to play this game.

Speaking of teen necromorphs, it kind of looks like teen isaac as well. I am not impressed. I liked the concept art shots before, but he just looks so weedy here. ... i guess he is only an engineer. I guess his last outfit was just bulkier. Hmm.