

Maybe this is what it will take to turn off his supporters in the “christian” commun hahaha I almost finished that thought with a straight face.

As if any of his supporters would believe the news stories saying he was defeated.

my mind went to the same place and then i made the same discovery last night. you couldn’t make this shit up.

and an extra star for your name cause it made me smile

“drank almost a whole entire bottle of florida” is what my foggy eyes first saw

I’m honestly impressed at this point.

Give the world a chance. The man isn’t even in office yet.

Honestly, if all they do is officially rename it TrumpCare, and don’t change a thing about the legislation itself, Trump supporters and the republicans would love it.

It’s like you looked into my soul.

These people can’t even fried chicken correctly.

“Going to a Christian church doesn’t make one a Christian.” should be shouted at like 90% of the “christians” in this country.


Appears to be fried okra, and, as a yankee in Texas, i can assure you that you need 0 on your plate.

Was checking to see if anyone called this out or I would have, haha. Yeah, nothing political at all about this, no sir.

that is a point i had never considered, and i’m gonna run with it

A better system would probably see all the states split their electoral votes based on how much of the vote each candidate got, instead of the winner takes all system we have now. There are a couple states that split their votes based on congressional districts, i believe (Nebraska and Maine, if i’m remembering

If 100% of the votes in Philly going to Clinton is more votes than 100% of the votes in the rest of the state going to trump, Clinton would win the state.

The point Judas is making is that turnout in Philly could/would have been higher with the release of a damning trump tape, potentially giving Clinton more votes, with the idea being more votes in Philly would have been able to overtake the votes for trump in the rest of the state.

“Move on with your life” says the party fighting Roe v. Wade for 40+ years.