
Dammit, was hoping i could drop this. Well played, Sparky.

Ah, fair point, haha. Spending too much time learning Russian, forgot how to read english.

maybe previous presidents, my friend :(

whoa whoa whoa...”multi”plex?? that’s way too much responsibility for ricky.

Great show

This made me smile.

Jesus, that pass to webber against the suns, stfu

Good stories. Great avatar.

A kick return td followed by the PAT being blocked. Insanity.


Moe doesn’t deserve that kind of shabby treatment.

My personal rule that might be wrong but it makes me feel better: if they are large and don’t scatter when you turn on lights, you’re not dealing with filth roaches (still gotta die, though). If they are tiny and scatter, burn everything and start over.

stealing “large pepperoni situation”

Get fucked, 2016

As a guy not much younger than you, who spent his early formative years worshipping the 90s knicks (still a fan 😀🔫), and will still own Ewing as his all time favorite, I can name at least 10 legit players mire unwatchable than Ewing. Shawn Bradley, anyone?!?

Every know and again I feel a tinge of sadness because I miss the carvel I went to as a kid in Fair Lawn, NJ. Haven’t found an acceptable substitute in Dallas :|

+1 snrub

I like your optimism. I’m ready to get horny with Hornacek!

Chris Dudley.
Matt Fish.
Brad Lohaus.
