
On the other hand, publishing their names is also giving them “credit” for spewing this stuff.

Well, two of them thought about it and concluded that TURD was a really nice thing to say in order to burn someone, so at this point maybe a piece of paper with the word boobs and a piece of gum would be enough for them.

I could be wrong (I had to go jump in a vat of bleach after I got 1/3 of the way through)...but most of these letters could double as HOU Texans fan hatemail toward Drew.

Nah see, if you read what I posted, I never said you couldn’t have an opinion. But you’re not sharing one. You’re speaking in absolutes like they’re facts and they’re not and you’re wrong so I’m going to call you on it. Have an opinion all you want. It’s not about the fact that you’ve never done the job, it’s that you

They were moonlighting. They can walk off anytime and not suffer reprucssions from the department. Furthermore, their actions (no matter your opinion of whether they were right or wrong) have no bearing on their ability as police officers. Maybe they Actually ARE good cops who are tired of being blamed for the shitty