
So let me get this straight, he commissioned a $700 piece which you painted and he never paid for.  But then he wants to commission you for a mural at $1000 a day and you jump all over it?  I find this story hard to believe, sounds like a disgruntled painter who didn’t get paid what she thought she was owed!

I think the real take away here is that Trumps few years on TV has corrupted his brain into thinking that TV ratings are the only way to measure success, which may be true for reality shows, but the same does not hold true for sports.  Its his same argument for “fake news” networks and newspaper companies, which Tim’s


The best thing that we can do is ignore this guys stupid shit, by retweeting his bullshit you are keeping this douche relevant.

He just heard about the Net Nuetrality vote!

Be warned, if you are lying for the Mad Pooper, you will have a hard time wiping the stench from your hands!

When I first got out of college, I was a recruiter for a tech company, when people emailed me from their iphone or blackberry (this was a while back) and never removed that tag, i would always end my response with, “sent from my dell optiplex 8000"

Your forgetting about how badass he was when he killed all those vampires!

CK’s original kneeling incident had nothing to do with race, read his quotes, it was a stance against the perception that police are murdering people and he wanted to make a stand against police murdering. It then turned into police mistreatment to people of color, and now this story is about bias against the LGBT

Technically, he is kneeling to bring awareness to policing shootings;

too soon? lol

Did he say funky butt loving? lol

hahaha, sorry i guess that is slang used in my neck of the woods, it means Asshole, glad i could clarify!

sounds like your butt hurt about police, have they been unfair to you, you poor thing. The fact is, the facts are not in on these shootings, we see limited video which portray’s a picture, whether that picture is truth or not is the question, and certainly not one that has yet to be fully answered. What these cops are