
Not this guy?

I just want to give them all a hug and say, “There, there. You’ll get it next time, champ.” Remember me as the fleshy meatbag guy who supported you during the hard times, robot overlords.

How Android Is Becoming The New Windows

Bastards are everywhere...

“Hail” Hydra

So sneaky. It’s going to take S.H.I.E.L.D. forever to find them all the way out there.

Why isn’t the sky the color of television, tuned to a dead channel?

Then, you are not a huge sci-fi nerd who read a lot of books.

The Empire Strikes Back one is magnificent. The sense of movement in the foot of the AT-AT is brilliant. I love it!

(p.s. Can I stop being auto-greyed out one of these days? Please?)

The point is it looks cool. And if that’s not enough of a point for you, it’s Saturday and they’re still providing you with content when you probably have the day off, so chill.

lets see how long it takes for people to start using this as a back decal for their phones. and when I mean people I mean hipsters.

Seriously, what’s the point of this. “This is what cell phones COULD have looked like if they were invented in 1872!”

Funny, the 360° navigation works perfectly on this page, but when I check the video in youtube, it tells me the 360° option is not available in this browser (windows8 firefox).

I’m pretty sure the biggest problem is its vicinity to the germ warfare repository. They should really close that window.

Typography has a Sin City feel to it, Krull style weapon pops out of girls compact, invisible car could be reference Wonder Woman’s plane, explosions at the end made me think of Resident evil more than Road Fury mainly because of the hair color change, could also be an expendable reference because of the weapons,

I had the Dragon Walker. It was awesome.