
And Snow Crash is sitting right out there, doing nothing, too.

the thing ABOUT the pants was super interesting... but for me, everything Gibson’s written since the “Bridge Trilogy” has been a slog.

I think Pattern Recognition is the best of that trilogy, but I did like that last book a lot. I never thought of men’s fashion being so influenced by military dress before.

Or a TV show about the Sprawl trilogy. I though that was what this was going to be, from the headline.

yet somehow we have a johnny mnemonic movie

What? No Jabberjaw? No sale.

You can’t go wrong with the first half of Escaflowne, at least.

Medieval mecha you say? You can't go wrong with Escaflowne

Margaret Hamilton standing next to the code that ran the lunar lander for the Apollo Program. She is credited with saving the mission because,

I know this is cool, but honestly, my first thought was “There’s someone, somewhere, who is going to travel across the entire US (if not the world) playing Pac-Man. He’s going to wakka wakka across the world. And it’ll be some bizarre and amazing world record nobody will ever beat.”

And that thought made it better.

"A game where you have to make rhymes with Inigo until Vizzini's irritation meter maxes out, a breath-holding game where you have to swim blind through sand to find Buttercup, a game where you tap the screen to torture Westley with the Machine, a game where you have to count fingers on dudes' hands until you find one

"Time to cross swords!" - I do not think this means what you think it means.

Exactly like playing a Monkey Island game.

Man, now I want a real Princess Bride game.

What can I say, I've got an overdeveloped sense of vengeance.

I want a mini game where you get involved in a land war in Asia.

How the hell isn't there a game where you have a battle of wits against a Sicilian with death on the line!

I'm sorry but this is bullshit. If you heard probably 99% of the pop stars these days sing live "unplugged" with no reverb or accompaniment I doubt it would be much better. Beyonce can't sing half as well. Mariah has some def vocal problems, wear and tear from all the riffing and over singing, but this is unfair