
Would love to see this show focus on Orks for the occasional episode. They hands down have the best philosophy in the entirety of Warhammer 40k.

And Snow Crash is sitting right out there, doing nothing, too.

the thing ABOUT the pants was super interesting... but for me, everything Gibson’s written since the “Bridge Trilogy” has been a slog.

I think Pattern Recognition is the best of that trilogy, but I did like that last book a lot. I never thought of men’s fashion being so influenced by military dress before.

Or a TV show about the Sprawl trilogy. I though that was what this was going to be, from the headline.

yet somehow we have a johnny mnemonic movie

Flowers for Alderaan

Disney, how could you sink solo?

The old Capn’ Kirc crying about Darmok and Gilad at Ticondaroga again. Never gets old.

All those movies, and Mary Poppins: The Animated Series will still be considered the best iteration.

Well, if you’re gonna submerge a spaceship in the ocean for a while, then fly it in space, you might as well blow the damned thing up. Saltwater gets everywhere...

This article aligns 100% with my perception of the new gizmodo

Trans-Dimensional Turtles, you say?

Because the rest of you planets are just a bunch of conformists!

Capitan Sweden, is that You?

“...the image above could represent not just some quirky phone launch, but how cinemas could operate in just a few years...”

What would be pretty sweet is if it would isolate the sound of the episode in the center of your field of view, but that’s kind of a lot to ask for given the context.

Simpsons did it.

You don’t understand, Apple has engineered it so it doesn’t need RAM. If you’re obsessed with specs, you’ll just have to wait until Android Mound is released in a few months.

It would undoubtedly take 179 GoPro cameras to capture the Walrus.