
This looks like a straight to DVD quality movie...

I both did and did not understand this article.

Still waiting on implanted wireless earbuds. What’s taking so long?

While we’re at it, how about removing car locks to help make it easier for cops to search your vehicle?

I really wanna see a Marvel/DC crossover where Wilson Fisk moves into Gotham and just kills everybody. Preferably with the rear door of an Escalade.

Somehow I manage to enjoy it.

Not gonna lie, when I first heard of electric cars, and wheel hub motors a few years back, I thought all cars would be like this by now.

Excellent use of Hentai Woody.

I know this is cool, but honestly, my first thought was “There’s someone, somewhere, who is going to travel across the entire US (if not the world) playing Pac-Man. He’s going to wakka wakka across the world. And it’ll be some bizarre and amazing world record nobody will ever beat.”

And that thought made it better.

I never see Baron Harkonen depicted as fat as I imagine him. This is a guy so massive that he has to have anti gravity device on him at all time just to support his weight. I always think of him as looking like some 600 to 700 pound guys you see on tv, if not fatter .

Definitely NSFW

Wow, I believe you nailed it.

I think the scene is from one of Princess Irulan's excerpts that appear at the beginning of each chapter of Dune. She describes peeking on her father, Shaddam Corrino IV, watching a red-headed courtesan dance (Corrino turns down the courtesan's advances). I can't remember which chapter it was. Hope this was helpful.

I think that is Alia Atreides, also known as St. Alia of the Knife.

Green? That hourglass is clearly blue and black.

it was...A TRAP!

I'm a childless 37 yr old heterosexual man and I'm going to see this.

That's very kind, AnonymousCivilPerson, but I think Alec may have a wee bit of an edge on me in the dramatic sphere. Not to mention the whole on-camera thing. But then, HE doesn't have to contend with a heart-shaped birthmark on his cheek, does he?!? *(sob!)*

TV's Calculon?! *fanning myself*