
"It's the gritty reboot of the Pink Panther, but thanks for playing."

"Instead of a population problem, one could argue that Universe 25 had a fair distribution problem."

No matter how you slice it, he says, your typical moviegoer knows practically nothing about the properties of black holes. Why, then, would an audience necessarily be more confused by a more complex, realistic image?

The Terminator Truck reminds me of the VENOM rig from MASK.

C'est ne pas une hybrid. Real deal dimorphodon.

Yeah, I love it. There really is something about 90's television, commercials specifically, that seems so close to the edge of surreal horror... The Dutch angles, the intense and liberal use of sound effects, the frequent use of borderline-creepy animatronics and makeup for "comedy".

Not bad. The screams of horror are what really make it fly. Too Many Cooks is a tough act to follow though. But damn, I hope people keep trying.

Sorry, Gang. I did not realize I was recommending posts from 2011 'til I saw one from Serenada.

is the piano from interstellar the new BWAAAAAAAAAAAM noise where it is now included in every trailer?

Literally in the past, in fact.

Everything we see is in the past.

"A game where you have to make rhymes with Inigo until Vizzini's irritation meter maxes out, a breath-holding game where you have to swim blind through sand to find Buttercup, a game where you tap the screen to torture Westley with the Machine, a game where you have to count fingers on dudes' hands until you find one

"Time to cross swords!" - I do not think this means what you think it means.

Exactly like playing a Monkey Island game.

Man, now I want a real Princess Bride game.

What can I say, I've got an overdeveloped sense of vengeance.

Are we going to have a random meeting with Zartan? If you now this one, you know why I asked.