
My Wife works with the wife of the man who was killed, she is a nurse at a local hospital. She was at work when she got an alert on her phone that there had been an accident on the skyway, and she checked her husbands location who was supposed to be coming across the bridge and it told her that he was still on the

Hell, the first half of Fleetwood Mac’s discography doesn’t even sound like Fleetwood Mac.

Apocalypse is his dad, he’s trained by Aquaman and Thanos, MJ is his girlfriend, and he has to fight Drax (whose dad is the astrophysicist who studied the Tesseract).

RIP. This one hurts especially because my father (who was also 73) passed from the virus on Friday, and we buried him this morning. For anyone who doesn’t know, right now the regulations are so extreme that most funerals can’t even have attendees other than immediate families, and (at least for us) the deceased can’t

(I personally will not vote for Biden, nor will most of the otherwise politically-active people in my circles)

When it comes to Democrats, the difference between Jacobin and conservative media is negligible.

For all the people who think Warren lied about Bernie’s comments about a woman not being able to be elected president; and Bernie is telling the truth about his denials; it might be significant to note that he’s already been caught in a misleading lie about the other attack perpetrated by his campaign against Warren.

As a life long Rush fan, this is going to be crippling, and will take a while to process. But to tell a little story, I owe my dad’s life to Neil Peart. When my mom decided she was done with chemo and was ready to go, my father confided in me that he would likely kill himself when she was gone.  Both of us are

“After all, chunks of debris flying through the vacuum of space from an explosion that large could fly pretty damn far.”

Nightcrawler not being on a crew of swashbucking Mutants is a missed opportunity!

PG&E’s infrastructure in California is shit. Their equipment causes the fires. They are shutting down power because they don’t want to be responsible for the next massive wildfire (again). We Californians suffer because PG&E is a shit company with a monopoly.

Winning a debate with McCain is like a college student winning one-on-one basketball with a 6 year old. It doesn't mean you're ready for the NBA. 

This is just sad. I battled with addiction for a number of years and have been sober for 4 years now. I count myself lucky that I cleaned myself up before fentanyl started flooding the market. I have known so many people...good people...that have died as a result of this shit that I sometimes feel desensitized to the

Given today’s news, I wanted to voice my appreciation for this post that is decidedly not about sports.