
Elections have consequences. Baracka and Hot Take don’t understand that, unfortunately.

Fun fact, Grey Worm is two days from retirement.

He also was against the release of the Panama Papers and criticized their release as “Putin bashing””

It is truly funny how some progressives forget or ignore how dismissive Assange was of a leak that was far more explosive than Snowden/Manning/DNC/Podesta combined, and resulted in multitudes less punishment from authorities and multitudes less attention from the general media.

He also was against the release of the Panama Papers and criticized their release as “Putin bashing”

Pretty sure he would have missed all of them anyway.

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

There are no anti-SLAPP laws in Russia.

I spend my Saturday afternoons volunteering at Upward Bound at Pace University, an extracurricular program that provides college prep and counseling for low-income, first-generation, college-bound high school students.

Yeah well I remember when she was in The Wizard

Wouldn’t an unusual result be him passing his drug test?

I’m surprised they didn’t try to make a deal to acquire Algernon.

Dude FUCK YOU. This is a scorching hot butthole of a take. Have a drink and regroup.

“I’m angry, so I’m going to attack our allies while discouraging my readers from voting!”

“This is primarily the Democrats’ fault” said the man as a Republican held him down and put a gun to his head.

I clicked on this article and I’m ashamed for it.

The idiocy of permanently online leftists like Jack has no bounds. So tired of this schtick. Go away. 

Splinter surpasses Fox News in their willingness and ability to blame Democrats for every single thing. 

The White House stifled the FBI investigation and 48 Democrats voted against Kavenaugh. Don't you dare with that bullshit of blaming them. Manchin deserted the party. No one else did.

Ahahahahaha, fuck you and this low-rent Russian vote splitter operation style bullshit.

What the god damn shit fucking idiot garbage fuck