
as a fake litigator on my mom’s basement with 50 years in internet fake lawyering, i can say you are both right and wrong

Dont tell me what to like Schreier!

I dont know if the writing is a reflection on Batman vs Superman, but i couldn’t finish this article, this was atrociously written.

ugh, but there were like a million mob pulls, i hated most of sunwell, my heart is in ulduar

i have always wondered how all of the gaming outlets get so afraid by embargoes, its so ridiculous to let other companies dictate how you run your business.

MW 1 and 2 were the bomb! no pun intended

As a user of public transportation i can say the worst part is the little trips, lets say a 30 min walk is a lot harder on the shoes, body, and soul of a person specially when you need to carry grocery bags on the way back, also the cost is GIGANTIC on some cities, i live in Monterrey Mx, where roughly translating

i worked as a telemarketer 8 hours shift, reciting a script over and over and over again, with the same enthusiasm as the first time, i hated it with all my guts, i totally get why they want a strike

The problem with no RNG in a card game is that it makes the game become essentially an excel spreadsheet, why run a booty bay bodyguard a 5 mana 5/4 taunt, when you can run an evil heckler 4 mana 5/4 taunt?

yeah no, hot ryu is exactly the same thing as quiet

“Because of delicious cosplay” .- Kojima’s thoughts 2014

that moment when you realize chopper is a canuck because of free healthcare

There was this one time when Joan Rivers went to the Nerdist podcast and was making fun of the podcast community, then Chris Hardwick the host explained to her how many people watch/listens to online shows

you obviously havent tried hard enough

The fact that im replying to a blog that talks about a show, that is criticizing people watching video games played by someone else is pretty ridiculous in itself

i guess i can see that, there’s lots of “giant dude in armor” boss fights, it gets sort of anti-climatic

hi, im sorry if i need to lurk more, but why does people seem to dislike DS2?

not to be the videogamepolice here, but this praise you speak of makes me think, maybe we as gamers are actually conditioned to think "effort = reward" and when his advances were rejected and didnt get his reward, he got angry? idk, im no psychiatrist, but it would be an interesting topic to discuss

i've been watching gameplays with this card, it is truly annoying even as an spectator. this guy means disruption in an arena match

if i may weigh in on this, while i dont watch pewdiepie, but i do watch the vanoss and achievement hunter letsplays, which is basically the same thing.