
i guess he really is now Troy "Baker" am i right guys?

jaina looks very weird in those office lady pants

i want this mega pikachu to grow another tail and thus allowing flight. Miles "Tails" Prower Style

Congrats fahey, im still 91, my brother's wedding got in the way of things and i just barely started leveling, i hope i catch up, can we get a <kotaku> guild going on?

as much as i love the game and raided end game for years, i would never take vacation time to play first week, i always wait till mid december once everyone catches up and content is more readily available

And of course, the best question left unsaid, What about a World Of Starcraft?

i never could afford college, my father commited suicide when i was 12 and my mom was always a housewife so she had no experience but she worked at a grocery store to put me through high school and i had to work since i was 14, right now im working at a tech company and doing well, and i am currently enrolled in khan

how about the people that invented p2p or cassette tape recorders, cd/dvd burners?

the lesser of two evils i guess, one killed people and profited, the others just pretend to kill people and profit

they think they're attacking valve, but the consumers are the ones affected, thumbs down gentlemen

/agreed i didn't even finished college, and im working on the same level as some graduates

having myself tried uploading gameplay videos/vlogs/etc it is actually quite hard to produce quality content, the cost of uploading is zero, but the production value is worth something, dont dismiss the YouTube scene as if it was a zero investment media

This Kotaku article is brought to you by Blizzard Inc :D

Now playing

This is what the gamer community/journalism is

its the first thing that came to mind

i also dont understand it very well, but it AFAIK comes down to victimization on both parties, fighting over things they both love


i think the design is flawed, when you open the 3ds lid, the controller motif is gonna be upside down for anyone across from you, imagine an upside down apple symbol

Is this what everyone is talking about on misogyny from gamers? cause it sure seems like so

yeah, i saw clerks too, what is the point of this guy?