Hilbert Black

The PC version of CP2077, which is the only version that Steam cares about, is OK. Not great, not terrible. There’s a huge difference between “actually bad” and “not as good as it should have been”.

I don't have the link, but his boss basically said he has to do interviews and shit. He does NOT want to do this, so the compromise is that he can wear that mask for public appearances.

Like the old saying goes, taking porn off the internet is like trying to take piss out of a swimming pool.

When will companies learn that you...cannot ever stop people from making porn of your characters? Or cosplay? Or fanfiction? Or fanart, just in general?

I am very, super, anti-getting rich. I think it’s deplorable to be getting rich and everybody who gets rich needs to think long and hard about what they are doing!!

Are all the people who had to work their asses off getting to accept the awards, or is it just the handful of lead names taking the credit?

Now playing

I’ve been following Hades development since day 1, and the small slice interview is really understating how well the directed the development of the game was. Since the game was in early access since 2018, Supergiant has had a lot of time fixing and creating new updates for the game and it was quite the journey to see

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend watching the “Developing Hell” series from Noclip on Youtube, which basically follows the development of Hades from the beginning. At no point do any of the developers seem stressed about a release (except maybe the owners). They managed timelines and released features when

This is a bad take, coming from someone who works in a parallel industry ( with many of the same production problems ) where my job is completely reliant year to year on viewer ratings and episode reviews. Awards like these do not effect the vast majority of the people who contribute to these things and most places

Also Animal Crossing where Nintendo delayed it because they don’t do crunch. They treat it like a 9 to 5 job as should be the standard.

I can guarantee you non of the people making bonuses off of this game are the ones affect by crunch. The ones getting the bonuses are the one implementing the crunch. That’s why they get the bonuses.

Hades and Ghost both absolutely deserved best art AND sound AND GOTY AND game direction, and they could just share them, and they could successfully do so because they didn’t crunch people to fucking death to get made. They set new standards in their spheres and especially in the case of Hades the creators are humble

It is a game that tries hard to be “artistic” and “serious”, but only manages to tell a story barely better than “absolutely juvenile”. It also has pretty graphics and serviceable gameplay.

Hades was fucking ROBBED. Ghost was ROBBED.

Give him a break...He’s a 40 year old with dwarfism that’s pretending to be a 10 year old...things get harder when you are old.

It’s because he almost won in X&Y. He must always dominate the whole world but lose in the final round of a simple contest despite regularly taking on gods to maximize the shame he generates that fuels his immortality. 

i am super offended and definitely incredibly mad online

i am implying that the games i like and play are the good ones and the ones I dont are bad ones that morons play because my gaming is the center of the universe and is very meaningful 

the games i play are smart and all video games arent dumb because im a big smart special boy and my actions and choices are more meaningful than others

What a dumb fucking comment.