My roommate is getting Zelda today on his Wii U and I’m gonna have to decide if I want to tear myself away from Horizon to check that out this weekend. Horizon is just too good.
My roommate is getting Zelda today on his Wii U and I’m gonna have to decide if I want to tear myself away from Horizon to check that out this weekend. Horizon is just too good.
You can also try dynamite fishing. Good to know Link is still above any law.
The double-edged sword is that, if the games are non-shit, there’s a good chance I’ve already bought them. See Tearaway and Severed sitting downloaded by unplayed on my PS4 and Vita, respectively.
I know they might look slightly similar and both have the same color scheme, but Porter Cable is not the same as General Pneumatic. World of a difference between the two.
I know they might look slightly similar and both have the same color scheme, but Porter Cable is not the same as…
I think the $99 price is the normal price for the compressor alone; this includes a bunch of attachments.
I think the $99 price is the normal price for the compressor alone; this includes a bunch of attachments.
If you’re old enough to have played Mattel’s classic handheld football game, you’ll get a kick out of this…
now that’s how you record cell phone video.
Are indies not real games? I don’t see how massive indie support is a detriment.
I’m SO happy to hear that not only is the HUD customizable, but it has a dynamic setting. Deus Ex Mankind Divided spoiled me on this. I turned off all the biggest HUD elements like the map and set the essential ones to dynamic, so they only showed up in context, aka in combat. It’s the best of both worlds: immersive…
Yeah! Actual games like Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Pikmin, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Splatoon... oh wait...
What do you mean by “actual games?” Do you mean games from big publishers? If so, why would they be mentioned in an article about indie games based on a presentation specifically dedicated to indie games?
Ok, but where can I get a Switch
First it’s “Waaaaaah no 3rd parties” now it’s “waaaaah there is third parties”
So explain to me what’s wrong with ports, exactly? Ports to systems that are essentially different versions of each other ( e.g., PS4/XBOne) are worthwhile for people who only have one of the two systems, but not really beyond that. But the Switch is a very different system than either of those because it’s also a…
Sad to see that video games made the “no-go” list, oh well...I’ll find some way to spend it!
Sad to see that video games made the “no-go” list, oh well...I’ll find some way to spend it!
Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.