
This show is so completely unfunny. When I first saw it my mother was watching it and I was at her house. Had no idea it was trying to be political or anything. It was just awful, though. They jokes were not funny, and when he tried to make a political point, it never made sense and usually ended up showing how wrong

Cons love the government, as long as they are in charge of it. They have no problem with it as long as it works in their interest, and just as importantly, doesn’t help others. Libertarians believe that the government should be extremely limited in all ways.

*Punches mirror* Where is my Stardew Valley?! (Switch Edition of course)

Why does a company that I have never done business with, never given any information to, and never given permission for anything, think it has the right to my information in the first place?

I’d rather have Witcher 3 or something. I doubt I will get Skyrim on Switch. I’ve played it enough when it came out on PC.

I’m still trying to figure those ones out. Are they hoping no one notices, wait a long time, and see if they get the money?

Do yourself a favor and listen to Kyle Kinane.

Do yourself a favor and listen to Kyle Kinane.

Bullshit. Coke Zero has a much stronger “bite” than Diet Coke, and it just plane tastes better.

I use an app called Gramblr.


In case anyone cares, it has trouble with the “Best Deal” part when looking at digital games.

Another article I read stated that EMS pulled up her pants, but they were unbuttoned. If that is really an issue during an emergency, then I guess we have different priorities. I’d rather get off the plane and into the ambulance where there would be room to take care of me.

Nintendo: Honestly, I’ll take a release date for Stardew Valley. Anything else is just a bonus for me.

I just got back into The Witcher 3. I didn’t really get into it when I first got it. It seemed almost too dense to really jump into. I went back to it, and now I’m loving it.

4.9% - Not even robots are willing to be a paramedic.

I don’t think any democrats are saying that........

If only they were clicky pens.

If only they were clicky pens.

Are the camera angles better?

This has to be the most American thing ever.

My 50mbps connection just told me to fuck off.