Wow. Everything in that sentence is so spectacularly incorrect that you deserve some sort of troll medal. Good job.
Wow. Everything in that sentence is so spectacularly incorrect that you deserve some sort of troll medal. Good job.
Jezebel 2018 baby!! Quality is spiraling down the drain on a weekly basis
Meanwhile, there’s been 21 Xmen, a dozen Spiderman, 6,000 transformers. But, ugh, god, do we neeeeed another Quentin Tarantino movie?! When is Wonder woman teaming up with the Hunger games?!!?!1!!
Ya personally I think it has the potential to be a great film that performs well in box office. Signing multiple A list actors hardly seems like a “real mess”.
“his ninth, somehow”
There is no point other than “Find any excuse to shit on the guy”.
That is true. No gun stores in Chicago proper as you say. Not as far as I know at least. They do go to Indiana to get guns and bring them back. But to sit there and say they’re the most strict in the nation? Nope. That was ended a few years ago. NYC has tougher gun laws and don’t have Chicago crime numbers. Same for…
It’s funny how a lot of the supposed third world countries like mine (México), doesn’t have to deal with any of that quota-ed bullshit.
The ESRB is a subsidiary of the ESA, a lobbyist group consisting of major video game publishers. So yes, the ESRB is part of the video game industry.
“We don’t believe it does. We think it’s a fun way to acquire virtual items for use within the game.”
Please try not to stigmatize treatment options (i.e. medication) especially to your daughter - she may very well need to be medicated and it doesn’t mean her personality will change because of it. I think a lot of people who would greatly benefit from medication avoid it because of misinformation about how it may…
Pot(us) calling Kettle black?
be the change you wish to see, nico.
I can’t be the only one who read “Rhode Island’s youngest state senator” in the headline, glanced down to see a video freeze-frame of Paul DiMaio, and wondered “that’s Rhode Island’s youngest senator?”
Stop looking and you’ll find him or whatever.
it is people like katherine hielgel who make other moms feel pressured to lose the baby weight quickly, a scary new trend really. Health and fitness is important, but damn this just seems like another instance of society’s pressure for women to appear perfect.
Disagreeing with your political opinions =/= raping a child
If you are going to go with a film analogy, then at least use some like Mel Gibson. And in that case, I hope you do not read the AV Club, because they have covered news coverage and reviews for Mel’s films.
Sorry, but it’s pretty terrible to hate a game just because a ‘bad’ person helped make it. That’s hateful and doesn’t help the world in anyway. You can’t blame a game for it’s co-maker.
I think Kotaku still has the best reviews, but I don’t like these negative publicity stunts. These guys did nothing wrong. They didn’t steal, lie or failed to deliver. They just made a game that works and it’s not perfect. *shrug* What boggles me is that some games get all the love while they are also shitty and buggy…