
I think Rathian and Rathalos will always be at the bottom of my list now. Both are pretty same-ey fights that I’ve done to death.

Dodogama and Great Girros being so low on your list makes me so sad. I love both of them for different reasons. Both ARE pushovers, but quite fun fights! And the fact that Zorah the boring scripted fight is higher then them? SO. SAD.

As a straight male reading comments on Jezebel, your comment makes me feel even more like an interloper.

Also was on the first season of Law & Order: SVU!

Dean Winters will always be Ryan O’Reily from Oz to me.

and could run it

That’s not true. She’s well respected and well liked by castmates in Canada, where she continues to work. SJP was a producer on a racist tv show and movies. So.

I could see SJP making a comment with no harm intended and thinking it’s the right thing to do. However just the act of her making a comment, which can be viewed publicly drags all of this up again. Pushing all of this back into the news when Kim is just trying to deal with the death of her brother. They should all

oh, well then, enjoy your upcoming coma.

The game has been out for ages. This is only new to Nintendo people.

The PS4/Vita versions came out in 2016.

This game originally came 2 years ago on PS4 and Vita.

Any good doctor would have made that recommendation. You thinking he was implying you’re a floozy does not make any sense.

4 episodes in is wayyyy too early to label a Trigger show of all things as mediocre

Age isn’t really the problem here though. As far as anything is concerned in any setting, If you’re old enough to fight and die for your country, your old enough to drink, smoke and have sex.

If a person is fully capable of functioning in society with an adult’s responsibilities, then yes they deserve to have the same

No, it isn’t. It’s made by ex-Gainax members including Nishigori and Imaishi that work for A-1 and Trigger. It’s in the same vein of Evangelion and Gurren Lagan.

Well that’s kind of the point isn’t it? The entire show is a metaphor for teenage sexual angst and that just because you love someone doesn’t mean you can connect on a physical level. It hits you with oblique sexuality while still getting across a really interesting point you don’t see a lot in anime.

This is a shitty comment. There’s nothing wrong with aspiring to motherhood. It’s a valid thing to want to do. You’re projecting your issues on to someone else and that’s fucked up. Get therapy and work that shit out.

She’s 20. She’s not a teen.

Oh please. 16 & Pregnant sailed that ship eons ago.