
Mr. Maniac and I were waffling over what to do on Valentine’s Day... I think getting tanked and watching this movie just shot to the top of the list!

Question- we haven’t seen the first or read the books. Should we attempt it before seeing the sequel or doesn’t it matter?


  1. 1: in a literal sense or manner: such asa : in a way that uses the ordinary or primary meaning of a term or expression <He took the remark literally.> <a word that can be used both literally and figuratively>b —used to emphasize the truth and accuracy of a statement or description <The party was attended by literally

Dude you can fuck right off.

They didn’t divide anything. They were able to motivate their base in a way that the Clinton campaign was unable to. Apathy killed the Democrats, and this kind of spineless nonsense does not reflect the current attitude of American progressives.

The Republicans aren’t going to give us shit,

Just leaving this here...

This is literally what needs to happen. We need real progressives in office, not people who just give lip service and then become useless when it is time to actually take a stand.

All I keep thinking of is how the time jump in Parks and Rec implied that Buzz Feed had earned some kind of journalism award in 2017.

We call it the grinder! After the old obstacle on MXC.

We call my mom “Ma” and my dad “Bubba.” Their grandkids call them “MA” and “Papa” respectively.

Trust me, I have one.

On a college campus, it’s mostly low level stuff like alcohol and drug violations. We’ve had incidents though with weapons, assaults, sexual assaults. The most serious I’ve seen has been an ISIS cell (though to be fair the FBI took care of that one).

Student discipline. I suspend and/or expel students on a regular basis for violations of our Student Code of Conduct. They usually don’t leave meetings with me happy campers, and I am just waiting for the day one of them comes back with a firearm.

It’s so scary to even think about. I work primarily in student conduct, so I deal with a lot of pissed off students, and it feels like more of a “when” than an “if” situation for me.

In the video we watch, it shows people barricaded in an office break room with no lock on the door. They are able to hear the shooter approaching and use time to grab heavy items to defend themselves with, and position themselves at the door. I think the idea is to use the element of surprise to incapacitate the

As lots of people have said, it’s the third option for a reason- you should ideally try to run or hide first. Fight if you have no other recourse because appealing to for mercy, bargaining, or using logic unfortunately will most likely result in you being killed.

I work at a college and go through this training annually. Running is the best option, and hiding is secondary. However, if you find yourself unable to do either, the last option is to fight. Basically, they lay it out as you will be unable to bargain, plead, or reason with an active shooter, so trying anything other

They’re reporting that the water cooling system for Reactor 3 at the nuclear plant may have failed.

At my Catholic Church yesterday, we were told not be single issue voters and that our choice should be made on which candidate would do the most good for the greater good while doing the least harm.


I binged the first few seasons to catch up to live a couple years ago, but once they got away from the political intrigue and just became a show about shocks! and conspiracy! I gave up.

Husband and I were Poe Dameron and Rey from The Force Awakens. Special appearance by ANDY as BB-8, and our house as Maz Kanata’s Cantina.