
I thought you meant this Diana Jones. For the Wynne!

Nah. It should be Diana Jones. The meta would be so very strong.

“Relic Hunter”

Of course acknowledging that Jones was his last name...she could be Henrietta. What was the family cat’s name?

Yeah her name is Laura Croft! She’s had 3 movies already. I think we are good.

I’m sure the press would refer to it as “Indiana Joan,” but the last name has nothing to do with gender. My step-mother, wife, brother, sister in law, nieces, nephews and I all share same last name. There are lots of women with the last name “Jones.”

It’s odd because he normally gives excellent advice. Not this time. We as people need boundaries. If someone wrote in that his wife has started running after him with a knife every night in an attempt to kill him. Would Patrick then say “you have to respect her wishes”. Like nah man lol.

“She might not be interacting with anyone.”

Don’t listen to Patrick. Tell her your relationship is at an end if she doesn’t quit. If she refuses to quit, respect her decision and move on. As hard as that may be, you’ll be happier in the long run and the children will be happier as well.

Depends on the context of their relationship. Also, we don’t know what she does. She might not be interacting with anyone.

“Is she cheating on you or working?”

Shut up and take my money.

I wouldn’t have known the significance so I’m actually okay with having read that.

Well when you said “Just one Sunbaked, apocalyptic love story with cannibals” I was going to say “But ... ‘A Boy and His Dog’” but this also looks kind of interesting.

I get why they would make this choice, but I wouldn’t anticipate it panning out too much. Watchmen was and remains a great comic and a great piece of storytelling, but I wouldn’t call it especially relevant anymore. It changed the face of comics at the time, but that face has changed again several times over; it came

IMHO, the pills should be replaced with joints because the unintended consequences of a perpetually stoned society will only become apparent when it's legal, everywhere, and taxed.

"Let us be thankful we have an occupation to fill... Work hard, increase production, prevent accidents, and... be happy!"

I wouldn't mind if this movie was rebooted/remade. Even by George. It could be one of his passion projects in retirement.

I have to agree with you; I don't really understand why people like it so much, other than perhaps the fact that it had higher ambitions than Star Wars.

He remembers when movie posters were delivered intravenously and you had to lie in bed all day.