
JJust start fresh with a new character gender switching is played out.

I used to own a multimedia compalny called Dream surgery.

For all his genius labels there are very few movies that lucas has made thatare relatively good or at least watchable

Wonder when they will reboot this and create a franchise

It was still heavily influenced by 1984 and brave new world. But was atleast aimed at an adult audience. With adult themes

Sounds like my life now

There are boundries in every relationship if shes fucking other people is he allowed to do the same.


I feel like the studio is milking her death for all its worth

No one gave a shit when Alex Guinness died....

You pay extra for that

Actually if you saw X-men First Class she was lifting barbells that were at least twice her body weight. Also note she fought toe to toe with Wolverine in the first movie

Every artist “steals” from other artists.