Poison Ivysaur

Oregon is always the better choice, lol. I want to live there.

Tbh, Prop 3 was pretty terrible- even pro marijuana groups were against it. There’s supposedly a better prop being put together for 2016.

We dinosaurs gotta stick together ;)

Michigan has legalized medical, and general legalization is probably going on the 2016 ballot. Although, a medical marijuana card is pretty easy to get, and for patients under 18 they need parental consent.

It can help with seizures, with “stims”, help them sleep. It greatly helps with the behaviors or “tantrums”, anxiety, and severe headaches. Basically, because they are over stimulated, cannabis is great for relaxing them. I work (although less with the actual kids and more in the organizational format) with kids and

Hold off on Nevada or move here quickly. Karl Rove has been dumping money here. The last midterms inexplicably made the legislative chamber Republican and they’ve been trying to do the NRA’s bidding. They’ve been proposing laws that’ll make it legal to leave a loaded weapon in school parking lots and lots of other

You’ve got a lot of good advice here but I’m going to chime in too - Nevada is 100% on the drought-track; if you’re looking for somewhere longterm, consider states with fresh water resources as well as sympathetic political agendas.

Well, marijuana can be great for people with autism. I don’t know if Ohio allows it to be used in that way, but it makes sense to me that it would raise an eyebrow. Plus, benefits from legal marijuana are far-reaching - and any state that is that shirt-sighted is probably not the kind of state Poison is looking for.

Move to Pittsburgh, PA. There is a medicaid loophole here that covers most autism services.

From what I understand, Ohio politicians are working on a marijuana bill for next election for next year (maybe a special election, I still don’t know) that does not limit the market as much as this bill did. My sense is that people there aren’t against legalizing weed. They were against a handful of people profiting

Heres a list of the best and worst states in general for ABA that was updated as of March 2015 (and more importantly not done by autism speaks) looks like Oregon and California are both at the top which fits both your needs and your child's needs. Also California has very strong employee discrimination laws which will

Keego Harbor in Michigan just legalized weed.

Although don’t count on it staying that way. Both chambers and the Governors mansion are Republican lead.

This is how my partner and I felt if Harper had been re-elected as PM up here in Canada.

I think you don’t understand the pot law that Ohio voted down.

Ohio will legalize pot, as early as next year, but it won’t write an oligopoly into the state constitution to do it.

Come to the Washington...we have pot, a dem governor and no state income tax! And you can kill yourself when the time comes!

Nevada will likely make recreational use legal, as long as it isnt an issue in a mid term election. Only old white republicans vote in those. I learned that the hard way last midterm when nevada went back to red...but dont worryď they cant get anything done since they are still fighting over allowing guns in the

If you have a special-needs child, please do be careful about moving to Nevada—the public school situation there, especially in Clark County, is not so great.

Can weed help with Autism?

Chill, dude. Ivysaur may have been facetious, but even if she wasn’t you need to simmer down. Peeps move for all sorts of weird reasons, yet weirder then that is getting all judgemental on some internet stranger when they’re talking about a perfectly harmless preference in where they want to live.

What does that have anything to do with priorities?