Poison Ivysaur

You’re considering moving out of state, seemingly seeking better care for your autistic son. But you won’t consider Ohio because they didn’t legalize marijuana use. Wow. You have a stellar grasp on priorities.

If you do decide to move and need to do a GoFundMe, I’ll donate to you and anyone else who wants to move out of that damn region.

“And in the Year of Our Lord 2015, there is nothing that gets the dick blood of a conservative voter flowing more than a man who has no idea what he’s doing.”

The elections last year and this year have just been...

Celebrity gossip has been so boring lately. Step it up, celebrities!

Classic Freudian wish fulfillment.

Ummm...a baby in a tiny white trench? With a tiny designer purse? Whose first complete sentence is “It’s handled”? I would die a thousand adorable deaths.

Baby Olivia Pope would be better than Baby Pope

Even in the low six figures, it’s housing that kills you. Here in Seattle a 600 sqft 1-b across from Amazon goes for $2890. Like, fuck you for that amount of rent on $100,000 a year, and when did that become not enough money to survive? Am I just becoming an old?

I’m in Howard County in MD. I’ve got lots of teachers in my family and people move into our county because the special education services are so good.

The teacher thing is so enraging to me - it’s one of the most important jobs out there, and we do nothing but mistreat and underpay most teachers. :(

I mean, that is kind of the catch. Salaries reflect COL, and teacher salaries (as well as many other professional jobs) is pretty much enough to comfortably support one person, and a struggle if you are a the only income for a family. The thing is, a lot of jobs are still going on the old fashioned notion of these

I highly agree with DocSupreme on Fairfax County paying well. I know tons of elementary teachers (women my husband went to high school with), and I do believe you can find affordable housing on the edges while being drivable to good schools.

No problem! Yeah way back when my wife stumbled upon the area in some list of “best high schools”, looked up the wages and was like “lets go!” Can be a daunting task to try and research teacher wages, cause the easiest is “by state” but that gives you a very incomplete picture as it is averaged. If you taught in

But when you raise the minimum wage, all of the other wages follow. So raising the minimum wage will bump everyone else up. We can’t legislate bumping the middle wages, but we sure as hell can legislate the minimum wage.

Come to Northern Virginia. I think with a Masters degree he’d be starting in the high 50s? My wife is at 67k now, and we live in the county she teaches in. If you really want to stretch your money, you live a couple counties over where it is cheaaaaap and try and get hired at a school on the western edge of Fairfax

I guess you haven’t been following American politics for the last 30 years.

I was alive when you didn’t know who was going to get the nomination till the conventions convened. Jack Kennedy was the first I remember campaigning seriously in primaries (there were not many) but we didn’t know he was the nominee for the Democrats until the 1960 convention.

Hillary Clinton did in fact live tweet the debate and she did in fact tweet a cool gif from the Benghazi hearing.

That’s when you tell right wing nutbags that cars are regulated, registered and insured- it’s actually a legal obligation to do so or you don’t get to drive that car. When something happens involving a vehicle-the owner can be easily tracked down, punished and all that stuff.