Cause God forbid you cancel the football game.
Cause God forbid you cancel the football game.
They are singlehandedly responsible for elevating a mediocre song into a video I enjoyed sitting through. Gave me all the early 90s hip hop feels I miss from my youth!
I feel like this is one of those sleeper Adele hits that’s going to get more addictive upon repeat listenings. It also probably makes more “sense” in a full album play through with some songs preceding it. That being said, I enjoyed the song.
Seriously. Like, tooth infections cause heart problems cause everything problems. And I have dental insurance! It just blows. Because I can’t afford good dental insurance. Every time I go to the dentist it costs like $200 because of my wack ass insurance, and I have gingivitis and close crowded teeth and mad cavities…
The irl vampire coven Angela Basset, Shemar Moore, Blair Underwood. The rule the rest with their ageless sexual wiles.
Goddammit I just got all my wisdom teeth taken out and it was expensive and shit! WHY DOES DENTAL CARE COST SO MUCH
Swooooon.... he changed my mind about pro wresting AND Canada.
I know it’s a joke, and it is hilarious, but I also fully expect this to be on Fox and Friends tomorrow morning, presented as fact.
Oh yes, absolutely - the 80s hair band hair is essential. I also wouldn’t say no to the greased up chest, either. Who knew the Attitude Era had so much going for it...?
Everything (or conversely, nothing *wink wink knowi’msayinnnn*) looks good on old school Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho is the only person in history to make that work.
It’s a part of our heritage. Anyone who wants to get somewhere in Canadian politics needs to be bilingual.
BAHAHA! Thank you for the LOL. Exactly! Not a good look on anyone.
I’ll print up some signs and post them in wealthy neighborhoods!
Whoa! Hey! Don’t damn the rest of us because Janesville residents are idiots!
Oh fer... hopefully this doesn’t mean I have to live in Janesville ;)
No! No! There’s only room on the bottom of the sea for California, thanks very much. Wisconsinites would be like, “It’s nice and warm down here!” and they’d always be asking for dairy products.
Not really. He lives in Janesville. Which is basically the place where people too stupid to live in Madison live. The cheesy parts would survive with Janesville just fine.