Poison Ivysaur

I was about the right age for him to be a big part of my sexual awakening. And have loved nerdy boys ever since.

This show started when I was 13. Both characters had a big impression on my budding sexuality. Especially Mulder though.

I can’t even imagine how difficult it must have been to deal with the loss of a parent at such a young age, and then to violence on top of that. Hugs to you.

I had a cat who passed away a few years ago. He had been part of my family since I was in elementary school. But it would never occur to me to try to clone him. One thing I like about each pet is the different personalities.

After an eight-year-old boxer dog named Dylan died after being diagnosed with a brain tumor and suffering from cardiac arrest, his owners, a British couple named Laura Jacques and Richard Remde, decided to clone him.

When I was growing up my parents went to the local pound and got us a dog. We loved that dog. Then, when he died, we went and got another dog from the pound. While it didn’t make us forget our first dog, we loved that dog too.

It’s Stephen Lang, a quite talented character actor. He’s been around forever. This shot is from Terra Nova, a TV series that only lasted one season. He was also the bad guy in Avatar , and has a long series of roles in which he’s usually unrecognizable. Although he often plays baddies, he’s actually quite well

THE PASSING IS THE BEST PART (not really, honestly, his clutch three point shooting is the best part). The no-look passes make me so happy. A lot of times he could put up some pathetic shot, get fouled, and go to the line but instead he chooses to pass. It’s great.


I can’t wait to see Rollo with the French princess. It will be crazy.

Crispin Glover playing Paul Ryan in a movie (or even a skit on SNL) would be hilarious!


Ooh, like, you just started it??? You have so many amazing and confusing things ahead of you

with the beard, he looks v much like the least likeable character on Vikings, Athelstan, who takes away A LOT OF SCREEN TIME from the other better, hotter, more aggro man characters

The arrow is pointing to the front, where she got to move later. Happy ending!

I watch Rebels with my youngest (14 year old) son. His mentat like recall of all worlds, plot lines and character motivations are slightly outshined by my hatred of Kanan Jarrus. (The Gaston of Jedi).

Ok so. I’m a huge star wars nerd. And i’m dressing up opening day, missing work, and waiting in line. the whole shebang.

I have to say, this man’s candidacy has been the most fun one to watch crumble. Having seen the devastation he wrought on his state from across the river for the past several years, nothing gives me more pleasure than to watch him crash and burn and become the nobody he was always destined to be.

God bless the Dave Meyers/Missy pairing. Always blows my mind.