Poison Ivysaur

Mazel tov! Those are great names. When we were naming my son, we went with a surname in my family, which happens to be one that folks are throwing out around on this thread. We get asked all the time, if it’s for Woody or Savannah... (As if I’d blithely name my son after a morning show host?!) Look around in your

God, I too am expecting (our second boy) and living in Struggle City with names. We blew our wad on the first’s name and hate everything else. Doesn’t help that both of our families are almost all boys (I am one of two girls on each side of my family, while there are like 20 boys, and my husband is one of 5 boys) so a

I think the resurgence of the tradition of naming babies after relatives is lovely. Random old-timey names for their own sake? Eh, not my taste.

Congrats! We had a surprise third pregnancy. We had two boys and we didn’t even pick any girl’s names and we settled on Noah Jacob for our son. We had a girl and her eldest brother named her. Her name is very girly, but timeless.

Congratulations! I’m slightly jealous- not of the kids exactly, as I’m happy as an aunt- but of the naming opportunities they afford. I’ve always kept a long list of names I like, mostly for writing fiction. You’ve chosen two solid names, you’ll come up with a third. If you’re drawing a blank, start watching movie

My neighbor’s name is Arlo. He’s a 70 year old Swiss man who sells tractors. I think it’s perfectly appropriate for an old man or an insurance company, not so much for a baby. I don’t like name trends, especially this one of naming everyone an old man’s name. It’s going to peak and die quickly, so there’ll be 4 years


This was my thought exactly. Kendall and Kylie seemed to get equal attention when they were younger, then Kendall started modelling....and Kylie became this version of Kylie. Get that work, Kendall, go quietly do your thing.

Katy hikes in nylons. Katy hikes in nylons? KATY HIKES IN NYLONS!?

I don’t believe Kim! The climb is all she has...

TMZ more lie TMI amirite

I just... what would be the point of the two of them keeping it a secret? I feel like it (ETA: I know babies are not things) has to be from an affair.

Dinklage totally spit gum into his wife’s mouth, which is fine...I guess, but dude.

Honestly I have no idea what to say here. I guess you’re a Marco? Honestly, you could be anyone.

That’s a great FU on that rep’s part, tho

me too.

I’d join a gym just to use that machine. I’m not saying I’d work out on it, maybe just ride it shouting weeeeeeeee!