react functional eccentric trainer:
react functional eccentric trainer:
I have a friend who does this at her gym- she loves this machine so much that she is planning to buy one for her home. They are crazy expensive.
I think it’s to mimic the movements of surfing? I have a deep fear of sharks and it looks SO FUN
Sad Balls last seen attached to John Mayer.
Good Morning, Stassa. So lovely to see an author up this early! If you have a heavy day ahead of you, just know that we all appreciate your hard work!
Same story. I was snobby now I am way into it w/ my husband. Sasha is like a beacon for me, no matter where she was on stage last night my eye went to her! She has the talent and the star quality and I really want her to crush WWE.
I watched them whenever I could. The problem was they put GLOW on at 2 or 3 in the morning, so I couldn’t always catch the show. Man, I do miss that show, though.
How can you not mention the glory days of GLOW? Gorgeous (I prefer Glorious)Ladies of Wrestling?
Yes, the makeup thing! My husband gets so frustrated because every time we leave the house to go out (even to the grocery store) I’m like wait, I gotta put some makeup on. And one day he finally asked me who was I trying to get to pay attention to me with the makeup and I realized it’s not so much that I was trying to…
I was spanked and I’m fine, though spanking did teach me how to properly hide information from my parents that might eventually result in my getting spanked. It’s just an objectively bad parenting strategy.