Poison Gas Cloud

What the hell, I really liked this side quest to be honest.

It’s a fine game. I might even go as far as to say it’s a great game. People are bagging it because it isn’t WITCHER 4 IN SPACE! Not everyone is going to love it, and that’s fine, but the hate its been getting is unfair IMO.

Oh piss off. This game is wonderful. Quit nitpicking and enjoy yourself for once.

Also, that’s a trident with five prongs. Just saying.

He’s alive again... somehow. Can’t remember exactly.

Good Omens is a gold mine of quotes!

“Most of the members of the convent were old-fashioned Satanists, like their parents and grandparents before them. They’d been brought up to it, and weren’t, when you got right down to it, particularly evil. Human beings mostly aren’t. They just get carried away by new ideas, like dressing up in jackboots and

Well, “Never give up, never surrender” worked its way into our wedding ceremony.

Terry Pratchett!

What are the odds Luke’s lightsaber is in the walking staff?

Look, dude, I’ll take anything at this point to get my mind off of the election.

Guide this one to where the traveller never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve.

“Shepherd Commander, does this unit have a soul?”

“Had to be me -- someone else might have gotten it wrong.”

I personally would have went with OverTWATch.

I think you are taking the research for granite.

Ground breaking?! Are you stoned?

The brand personality of rocks piece is ground breaking.

And I would walk five hundred miles,