I’m pretty sure there was a child sex slave mod for one of the Fallouts. However, after realizing I just typed “child sex slave mod” into Google, I realized what a horrible mistake I was making.
I’m just posting this here to corroborate my story when I inevitably hear the knock.
I thought it was called Stardew Valley?
Conkers Bad Fur Day? Perfect Dark? Starcraft 64? Wrestlemania 2000? WWF No Mercy? DID YOU EVEN PLAY N64?! -rips hair out-
What the hell, I really liked this side quest to be honest.
It’s a fine game. I might even go as far as to say it’s a great game. People are bagging it because it isn’t WITCHER 4 IN SPACE! Not everyone is going to love it, and that’s fine, but the hate its been getting is unfair IMO.
Oh piss off. This game is wonderful. Quit nitpicking and enjoy yourself for once.
I personally would have went with OverTWATch.
And I would walk five hundred miles,
I’m not yet convinced we’ll actually live through it.
I can’t believe 2016 is a real year that we’re all living through.
So, why is he so ugly, and does the ugly design ever go away?
She brought you into this world and she can take you out of it too!
That fact that you are most likely right make me sad.
If/When they make these, they’ll be Mega Bloks like all the other video game and in particular Acti-Blizzard things (Starcraft, WoW, CoD). And they’ll be terrible because they’re Mega Bloks.
Eneloop batteries, PlayStation Plus, and digital photo frames lead off Wednesday’s best deals.
Gonna make a Chrom x Cordelia , screw you awakening!
If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.