Poison Gas Cloud

Abigail! Let’s see any of the other ladies eat a rock!

So, he’s trying to drive himself insane?

I drew this ages ago, and feels so fitting right now.

Bubble Bobble for the NES.

Mass Effect: Tactics

I imagine Wolverine has underwear that looks like a shadow. After all, whenever his suit is destroyed there’s always that shadow hiding his junk.

It doesn’t feel right having a Munchkin Game where John Kovalic isn’t doing the art.

It doesn’t feel right having a Munchkin Game where John Kovalic isn’t doing the art.

The poster read ‘Synthoid-Trump 3016'.

Time stopped, but I continued.

Maybe she’s on maternity leave. ;)

‘Conventional Missile' sounds like a ephamism.

I wonder where he got Ironman’s hand me downs.

Krieger does about as much harm as good. Make him Two-Face.

I’d wanna see where this one goes.

It’s funny that we don’t question how it can hold enough missiles to level a city, fly into space in under a minute, or go toe to toe with demigods. But when we see that hair we instantly think ‘how the fuck?'.

Did they at least invent robotic aspirin before hurting that poor thing?

I can’t seem to stop playing X-Com 2, however I was able get some Stories: the Path of Destinies in as well.